Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Canadian Government essays

Canadian Government essays The government of Canada is based on the Government of the United Kingdom, though there are some differences. The Government can be broken down in to three groups. The first being The Queen, The Governor-General and the Lieutenant Governors, The second group is the Senate and the last is The House of Commons. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second is the Head of State in Canada. She is also Head of State for many other countries. All legal authority is vested in The Queen. Every time Parliament passes a law, they are doing so with The Queen's authority. Every time the Armed Forces go somewhere, whether for peace keeping, or war, they are doing so in the Queen's name. Even when you are pulled over by a local police officer, he too, is acting with The Queen's authority. The Queen has many duties to perform both in The United Kingdom, and the rest of her Kingdom's. Thusly, she can not be in each of the countries of which she is Head of State all the time. So Governor-Generals are appointed to represent Her Mother and execute her powers. The Governor-General is usually appointed by Her Mother on advice of the Prime Minister. While in office, the Governor-General maintains and as needed, executes all powers of the Crown on behalf of Her Majesty. Generally speaking, the Governor-General is a lso given the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Federal Government is not equipped with any means to start by itself. No form of governing can take place with out the Governor-General, in the name of Her Majesty calling Parliament to order. Just as the Queen can not be in all of her Kingdoms all the time, the Governor-General can not be in all of Canada all the time. So they appoint a Lieutenant Governor. Lieutenant Governors act with the Governor-General's authority on a provincial level. They have almost the same duties as the Governor-General's but locally as opposed to nationally. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Paper Example

Paper Example Paper – Case Study Example Teacher Should Google, Yahoo, Bing or any similar search company be required by the U.S. government to block any companies who illegally sell patentable products or copyright material? Ideally they should be blocked. But how can they enforce it? Raid every company that is alleged to sell illegal patentable products or copyright material? It just cannot be done or even if the government will try, they will just fail. Because as long as there is a demand for counterfeit products and/or products that has illegal patent or copyright, there will always be companies who will sell them. Even assuming for the sake of argument that United States government will be successful in blocking them, these companies will just move their operation somewhere else and still be able to sell because the reach of the internet is global. What is to be done? Blocking companies is not enough and not effective. What should be done is to discourage demand. If there is no demand for those illegal products, there will be no companies selling them. It has to be noted that business is always stimulated by demand. Currently there are already efforts along these lines. Of course we see government raids on illegal companies but there are also information drives that discourage consumers to use them. There are a number of reasons cited that could range from use of child labor, inimical to industry, use to finance other illegal activities etch. These efforts may not have totally stopped companies selling illegal patentable products or copyright material but they are effective in reducing the demand. If these efforts will become pervasive and consistent, demand will eventually stop and these companies will cease to exist. This is better than blocking companies who sell illegal copyrighted materials.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unit 3 - visual argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Unit 3 - visual argument - Essay Example This development necessitated a strong response from the nations and NGOs that respect human rights, but even the discussion has been compromised. Some of the efforts that have been put forward by the NGO representatives and officials to call for subversion of the Islamic stated have been disrupted before the Council President banned the Human Rights Council. One of my interesting claims that I would like to highlight in my project is that the movement that favors the Islamic Human Rights have been presented to the council as a mere complementary to Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The opposition that the proposal got; termed as a religious matter is increasingly forbidden from talks in the United Nations Chamber. The Western Powers have failed to support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or withdraw from the discussion. Therefore, the worrying trends need to be traced and looked briefly into the historical explanation of the emergence of the Islamic politics into the setting of the international relations. Various forms of technology will be used for this piece of work. Therefore, some of the technological tools that I will be comfortable with include the poppet, Jing, Apple IPad, Dropbox and also Slide Shares. Of the mentioned technological tools, the ideal ones will be slide shares, Popplet, and Dropbox. With slide share, it will be favorable to upload the presentations, videos and share them with the rest of the world. Even better, it will be possible to take advantage of materials that other people have uploaded. Popplet will be used to brainstorm ideas, create the SlideShare, mind maps and also collaborate. Finally, the drop box will be helpful for storing, sharing, and accessing data from any given place with an easy to used drop box service.  The trailer will be the perfect genre that will be used in the work. The named genre will have a thriller type of style that