Friday, December 27, 2019

Eng 102 Poetry Essay - 4291 Words

Denise K. Steen February 28, 2012 English 102 Option #2 Reflections Within is a non-traditional stanzaic poem made up of five stanzas containing thirty-four lines that do not form a specific metrical pattern. Rather it is supported by its thematic structure. Each of the five stanzas vary in the amount of lines that each contain. The first stanza is a sestet containing six lines. The same can be observed of the second stanza. The third stanza contains eight lines or an octave. Stanzas four and five are oddly in that their number of lines which are five and nine. Beginning with the first line in the first stanza, The Earths cool breeze spoke to me, the meter examined within this line is trimeter, containing seven syllables,†¦show more content†¦This symbolizes the familiar that is about to proceed in the text. The rhyme scheme in the second stanza ddeefg brings us to an end in the texts relation to the Earths cool breeze just as the rhyme pattern discontinues from its previous flow, aabbcc. The third stanza which marks the middle of the poem begins, The Ocean said, Come flow freely with me with ten syllables written in pentameter accompanied by iambic, spondee and trochee syllables. A steady rhythm in meter is noted in the next four lines which declines to trimeter for all four lines. Line fourteen, and the creatures in my seas. contains pyrrhic, trochee and anapestic syllables. The fifteenth line in trimeter, Here your tears will disappear, contains for the first time in the poem, a dactyllic syllable accompanied by the iambic syllable. Line sixteen, and your worries will cease. contains again the iambic syllable now accompanied by the pyrrhic syllable. The last line in the series of trimeter lines is line seventeen which states, Be the element that I need.. concludes the metered pattern. In lines fourteen through seventeen the meter is measured the same, however there is a new element added to the syllables previously used in the beginning stanzas. The repeated trimeter is suggestive of familiar situation but the new syllable isShow MoreRelatedHigh Shcool675 Words   |  3 PagesSieanna Fulmore Professor Biddle ENG 102 07 February 2014 Essay 1: Diversity Diversity  is integral to excellence. We value and honor diverse experiences and perspectives, strive to create welcoming and respectful learning environments, and promote access, opportunity and justice for all. Mayas writings have a way of embracing people and successfully state her thoughts and emotions. Pulse is a call for hope and opportunity part of our history. 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(Spencer and Chris) I believe that Frost wrote â€Å"Acquaint With The Night† because it was during a time of depression just after the stock marketRead MoreAP and Cathedral Comparison Essay1617 Words   |  7 PagesMallory Russell 06/12/15 Comparison Essay ENG 102 Online â€Å"Cathedral† by Raymond Carver versus â€Å"A + P† by John Updike In the short stories â€Å"Cathedral† by Raymond Carver and â€Å"A + P† by John Updike the protagonists experience an epiphany that change their restricted way of thinking. The main character, â€Å"Sammy† in John Updike’s, â€Å"A + P† is a teenage boy working in the town grocery store. Sammy experiences an epiphany when he decides to quit his job at the grocery store. He quit because he believedRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.—(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesThis Sound Like a Satisfying Job? 90 Case Incident 2 Crafting a Better Job 91 4 Emotions and Moods 97 What Are Emotions and Moods? 98 The Basic Emotions 100 †¢ The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect 100 †¢ The Function of Emotions 102 †¢ Sources of Emotions and Moods 103 Emotional Labor 108 Affective Events Theory 110 Emotional Intelligence 112 The Case for EI 113 †¢ The Case Against EI 114 †¢ Emotion Regulation 115 OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 115 Selection 116 †¢ Decision

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Children and Their Imgainary Play - 2148 Words

Introduction Children show their highest level of intelligence through their play. It opens new possibilities in thinking and develops emotional intelligence making their feelings manageable. Play also helps build a sense of self and relationships with others. One type of play that has an important role on a child’s development is imaginative play. In this essay I will focus on what imaginative play is, the types of imaginary play, skills and attributes imaginary play develops and the roles practitioners play in helping a child develop their imaginative flow. Children and Their Imaginary Play Play is the basic activity of early years childhood. Children are able to absorb and display and understanding of the world around them while simultaneously expressing their personality, sense of self, intellect, social capacity and physicality. Fromberg and Bergen (2007) describes Paget’s four stages of play that get more complex as the child develops. The stages being, imaginative play, constructive plays, functional play and ‘games with rules’. Consequently, it can be argued that imaginative play, being the first stage, builds on skills learned through imaginative play, preparing children for circumstances involving rules. Briggs and Hanse (2012) explain Bodrova disagreement that rules are top priority in imaginary play. The rules therefore are determined by the imaginary roles the children take on. Imaginary play is incorporated into other forms of play and involves a more

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Essay about Impact of Cyber Security Vulnerability on Organizations Essay Example For Students

Essay about Impact of Cyber Security Vulnerability on Organizations Essay Weaknesses to mistreatment in contemporarymainframes are wide-ranging. They variant from weaknesses of internet server which permitthe hackers or assailantsto command the internet server to a cultured lateral network that uses stuff like packet technique or immediate control depletion to collect private and trustworthy material from cyber security computersystems. Vulnerabilities or weaknesses seem to be in the customer software whois a fellow of an industry that uses it to get their tasks performed. The uncovered customer software side is the most important cybersecurity vulnerability/ weakness that the IT community is facing nowadays. Since all the new industries (companies, non-profits or government entities) use networks and computers as the component of everyday tasks, this weakness is applied to all each and every one of them. Due to this fact, the most important cyber security vulnerability is uncovered customer software. Why is it Important? Because of the whole day internet connection, the computers are pervasive in an industrial location; these cyber security computers should be updated with relevant security covers to avoid attacks against known weaknesses/ vulnerabilities from possible hackers or attackers. For a huge industry, the continuous updating of the cyber systems could be a discouraging duty. The datum that a cover occurs for the cyber security weaknesstells that it has been detected and is possibly exposed. This shows that the wholepublicof hackers has the permit to violate and a good opportunity that more assaultswill be made due to this weakness. Thiscreates theauthoritative that the cover should be placed immediately. Failure in the placement of the cover leaves behind the industry open to the potent. .and recognized users similarly do not select to have the proper stage of consciousness and education, the danger will always be there. Works Cited Jacky, J. (2008). A Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed and Leading Journal in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), 15-19. Li, P. D. (2014). Information and Computer Security. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 3-7. P.A.S. Ralstona, J. G. (2007). Cyber security risk assessment for SCADA and DCS networks. ISA Transactions, 583-594. Spafford, E. H. (2010). Computers Security. The official journal of Technical Committee 11 (computer security) of the International Federation for Information Processing., 1-2. Vinay M. Igure, S. A. (2006). Security issues in SCADA networks. Journal of Computers and Security, 498-506.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Essay Example For Students

William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Essay William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying is a novel about how the conflicting agendas within a family tear it apart. Every member of the family is to a degree responsible for what goes wrong, but none more than Anse. Anse’s laziness and selfishness are the underlying factors to every disaster in the book. As the critic Andre Bleikasten agrees, â€Å"there is scarcely a character in Faulkner so loaded with faults and vices† (84). At twenty-two Anse becomes sick from working in the sun after which he refuses to work claiming he will die if he ever breaks a sweat again. We will write a custom essay on William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Anse becomes lazy, and turns Addie into a baby factory in order to have children to do all the work. Addie is inbittered by this, and is never the same. Anse is begrudging of everything. Even the cost of a doctor for his dying wife seems money better spent on false teeth to him. â€Å"I never sent for you† Anse says â€Å"I take you to witness I never sent for you† (37) he repeats trying to avoid a doctor’s fee. Before she dies Addie requests to be buried in Jefferson. When she does, Anse appears obsessed with burying her there. Even after Addie had been dead over a week, and all of the bridges to Jefferson are washed out, he is still determined to get to Jefferson. Is Anse sincere in wanting to fulfill his promise to Addie, or is he driven by another motive? Anse plays â€Å"to perfection the role of the grief-stricken widower† (Bleikasten 84) while secretly thinking only of getting another wife and false teeth in Jefferson. When it becomes necessary to drive the wagon across the river, he proves himself to be undeniably lazy as he makes Cash, Jewel, and Darl drive the wagon across while he walks over the bridge, a spectator. Anse is also stubborn; he could have borrowed a team of mules from Mr. Armstid, but he insists that Addie would not have wanted it that way. In truth though Anse uses this to justify trading Jewel’s horse for the mules to spare himself the expense. Numerous times in the book he justifies his actions by an interpretation of Addie’s will. Anse not only trades Jewel’s horse without asking, but he also steals Cash’s money. Later on he lies to his family saying that he spent his savings and Cash’s money in the trade. I thought him and Anse never traded,† Armstid said. â€Å"Sho,† they did â€Å"All they liked was the horse† Eustace a farmhand of Mr. Snopes said. Anse steels Cash’s money and towards the end of the book he also takes ten dollars from Dewey Dell. The ending of the book is best explained by the words of Irving Howe. â€Å"When they reach town, the putrescent corpse is buried, the daughter fails in her effort to get an abortion, one son is badly injured, another has gone mad, and at the very end, in a stroke of harsh comedy, the father suddenly remarries† (138). With money he has begrudged, stolen, and talked his way out of paying, he finally buys some new teeth and a new wife for the price of a graphophone. What defies explanation is why Anse is so cold-hearted and indifferent to his children? What has changed him from the hard working twenty-two year old man he once was. In conclusion, by thinking only of himself Anse destroys his family. He is selfish whenever his need’s conflict with those of his family. His motives for cheating and lying range from the greed of money to self pity. Instead of what can I do for them Anse will always be the one thinking what can they do for me.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Canadian Government essays

Canadian Government essays The government of Canada is based on the Government of the United Kingdom, though there are some differences. The Government can be broken down in to three groups. The first being The Queen, The Governor-General and the Lieutenant Governors, The second group is the Senate and the last is The House of Commons. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second is the Head of State in Canada. She is also Head of State for many other countries. All legal authority is vested in The Queen. Every time Parliament passes a law, they are doing so with The Queen's authority. Every time the Armed Forces go somewhere, whether for peace keeping, or war, they are doing so in the Queen's name. Even when you are pulled over by a local police officer, he too, is acting with The Queen's authority. The Queen has many duties to perform both in The United Kingdom, and the rest of her Kingdom's. Thusly, she can not be in each of the countries of which she is Head of State all the time. So Governor-Generals are appointed to represent Her Mother and execute her powers. The Governor-General is usually appointed by Her Mother on advice of the Prime Minister. While in office, the Governor-General maintains and as needed, executes all powers of the Crown on behalf of Her Majesty. Generally speaking, the Governor-General is a lso given the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Federal Government is not equipped with any means to start by itself. No form of governing can take place with out the Governor-General, in the name of Her Majesty calling Parliament to order. Just as the Queen can not be in all of her Kingdoms all the time, the Governor-General can not be in all of Canada all the time. So they appoint a Lieutenant Governor. Lieutenant Governors act with the Governor-General's authority on a provincial level. They have almost the same duties as the Governor-General's but locally as opposed to nationally. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Paper Example

Paper Example Paper – Case Study Example Teacher Should Google, Yahoo, Bing or any similar search company be required by the U.S. government to block any companies who illegally sell patentable products or copyright material? Ideally they should be blocked. But how can they enforce it? Raid every company that is alleged to sell illegal patentable products or copyright material? It just cannot be done or even if the government will try, they will just fail. Because as long as there is a demand for counterfeit products and/or products that has illegal patent or copyright, there will always be companies who will sell them. Even assuming for the sake of argument that United States government will be successful in blocking them, these companies will just move their operation somewhere else and still be able to sell because the reach of the internet is global. What is to be done? Blocking companies is not enough and not effective. What should be done is to discourage demand. If there is no demand for those illegal products, there will be no companies selling them. It has to be noted that business is always stimulated by demand. Currently there are already efforts along these lines. Of course we see government raids on illegal companies but there are also information drives that discourage consumers to use them. There are a number of reasons cited that could range from use of child labor, inimical to industry, use to finance other illegal activities etch. These efforts may not have totally stopped companies selling illegal patentable products or copyright material but they are effective in reducing the demand. If these efforts will become pervasive and consistent, demand will eventually stop and these companies will cease to exist. This is better than blocking companies who sell illegal copyrighted materials.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unit 3 - visual argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Unit 3 - visual argument - Essay Example This development necessitated a strong response from the nations and NGOs that respect human rights, but even the discussion has been compromised. Some of the efforts that have been put forward by the NGO representatives and officials to call for subversion of the Islamic stated have been disrupted before the Council President banned the Human Rights Council. One of my interesting claims that I would like to highlight in my project is that the movement that favors the Islamic Human Rights have been presented to the council as a mere complementary to Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The opposition that the proposal got; termed as a religious matter is increasingly forbidden from talks in the United Nations Chamber. The Western Powers have failed to support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or withdraw from the discussion. Therefore, the worrying trends need to be traced and looked briefly into the historical explanation of the emergence of the Islamic politics into the setting of the international relations. Various forms of technology will be used for this piece of work. Therefore, some of the technological tools that I will be comfortable with include the poppet, Jing, Apple IPad, Dropbox and also Slide Shares. Of the mentioned technological tools, the ideal ones will be slide shares, Popplet, and Dropbox. With slide share, it will be favorable to upload the presentations, videos and share them with the rest of the world. Even better, it will be possible to take advantage of materials that other people have uploaded. Popplet will be used to brainstorm ideas, create the SlideShare, mind maps and also collaborate. Finally, the drop box will be helpful for storing, sharing, and accessing data from any given place with an easy to used drop box service.  The trailer will be the perfect genre that will be used in the work. The named genre will have a thriller type of style that